Monday, February 21, 2011

Miscellany Monday


  • We stayed home for the most part enjoying the Saturday weather. 
  • We ate at IHOP on Sunday, I love the Strawberry French toast combo. 
  • Carson learned how to swing in the big boy swing and thought he was ALL THAT! I have a cute video that I will share when I get a chance to upload it. 
  • I am finally getting some energy during the day, and I cleaned the kitchen and folded the mountain of clothes that had taken over our bedroom. We can now see the carpet. I watched The Devil Wears Prada while folding, and I sure miss dressing trendy and fabulous. :(
  • I am totally feeling the baby move! I know its real b/c I can't help but smile!
  • With the new found energy I am having the nesting urge, I keep looking around the house thinking how I can organize and change things. I even suggested we go ahead and clean, paint/prime the guest bedroom and that way we could be ready to paint the certain colors we want when we find out if the baby is a boy or girl. We also have to put down new carpet...should be a fun project!
  • Cory wants another boy by the way. I think having 2 boys would be fun, but I also would love to do the "girl thing". There are positives to both, so we will be happy with either, only 4 more weeks until we know!
  • There are so many moms I know who just started their maternity leave...I am so jealous! I enjoyed that special time with Carson so much and can't wait to have 3 months with both of my babies. It's nice to have my mom or MIL doing all the housework, I can't lie! This time, I am just going to enjoy every moment, and not worry about getting a newborn on a schedule, such an impossible task anyway. I am now a firm believer that you can't spoil a newborn. I will be baby-wearing, co-sleeping, on-demand feeding...whatever makes my baby happy. 
  • I am really getting the baby fever, I am constantly looking at my calendar to count down the days until we know the gender so I can begin decorating! I think if the baby is a boy, I will just recycle Carson's nursery and decorate a toddler room for Carson. 
  • I registered on Amazon, just for a couple of must haves so far no matter what the gender is. 
  • Carson is scheduled to get tubes in his ears on Friday. I was on the fence about it this fall, but after December where he had the same infection for an entire month and it took 3 different trials of different antibiotics to get him better, I was convinced that he needed tubes. Keep him in your prayers please.

Hope everyone has a good week!



Poor Carson with having to get tubes put in his ears : (

I know you can't wait for the next 4 weeks to roll around so you can find out the sex of the baby!! It's the most exciting part!! Ahh!! I can't wait to know either : )

The Sweet Life said...

Thanks for the blog love. It's nice to know I have readers. I look forward to finding out the sex of baby number 2. Happy Monday!!

Hollyhand House said...

-Congrats on energy and feeling the baby!!
-I will be praying for Carson and his surgery! Hopefully he will get some relief now.
-I totally agree with you on not being able to spoil a newborn...they need all that love and bonding especially in the beginning. I used to worry that AR would never sleep in her bed because we started her out in ours but now she prefers it! SO hold that baby and sleep with it if you want to...because as we know that "littleness" flies by!!! :)