Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Boys Lately...

Carson (at 2.5 years old) :

  • Counts to 20, skipping from 15 to 19 :)
  • Sings the abc song, take me out to the ballgame, twinkle twinkle, are you sleeping, Barney song, Jingle Bells, and some other songs he learns at school
  • Wears underwear every evening, will be wearing them to school in January
  • Is constantly asking "Mommy, what you doin?"
  • Loves yogurt like its candy
  • Loves lollipops and gummies
  • Loves his chocolate milk
  • Loves to help us cook
  • Has not had a passy in about 2 months! I was so proud of how adaptable he was, I can't believe I waited so long to take it away. We just clipped the top off one by one, night after night, telling him that the dishwasher broke them and he had to throw them in the trash and the garbage truck took them away. He STILL talks about how the garbage truck took his passies.
  • He is in 2T clothes, size 5 diapers (hopefully not much longer), size 7 shoe
  • He calls his underwear "ummywear"
  • He loves to do everything by himself
  • He loves his brother so much, and he tells him he loves him without any coaching, that makes me so happy; he loves to help me carry Colin's carseat to and from the car at school
  • He can name his friends at school, and he tells us what he does at school
  • His favorite toys at the moment are trucks, tractors, trains, balls, and his little people, and these tiny pencil toppers called sqwishies - he calls them his animals
  • He absolutely loves the show Caillou and is starting to imitate Caillou (he told me there were Monsters in his closet, and it took me a while but I figured out that he learned that from Caillou)
  • His memory surprises me every day, he remembers trick or treating at Halloween, remembers his Birthday, and he knows the route to daycare, and many other things I can't think of....
  • He is absolutely hilarious!

Colin (at 4 months):

  • Loves to stand up assisted and sit straight up so he can see what's going on.
  • He is drooling like crazy and chewing on his fingers constantly
  • I still swaddle him and he sleeps much better that way, still wakes to eat after about 6 hours of sleep
  • He coos up a storm when he is "playing"
  • Loves his passy
  • He eats 6 oz about every 3-4 hours
  • He weighs 15 pounds
  • He wears size 2 diapers, size 3-6 months clothes (some 6 month stuff fits but is a little big still)
  • Loves to grab his feet while laying down, he tried to get them in his mouth
  • Loves to roll his tongue like a hot dog bun while he is cooing/babbling
  • Is very close to rolling over
  • Moves his knees and legs while he is on his belly trying to crawl
  • Thinks he is 6 months old already, he will not be content lying down playing for long, he prefers to sit up or stand. The bumbo seat has been really helpful lately.
  • His hair seems to be getting more blonde
  • He is the happiest baby and is usually smiling, such a sweet little thing

This will probably be my last blog before Christmas......So...........................

 Merry Christmas to you all!

Friday, December 2, 2011


I love the Holiday Season with little ones around....its magical all over again :)

Carson loves the tree, the 1st night he kept crawling under it, he also like to put his toys in it and watch them fall through the branches.

We had a great Thanksgiving in AL with our families...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Colin, 3 months

Colin is 3 months old today... 

My precious little baby has the sweetest smile, and it doesn't take much to get a smile out of him, he is always so happy. He is usually in such a good mood, and is usually a very laid back baby. 

  • Colin eats about 4-5 oz every 3 to 3.5 hours during the day and he goes 5 hours in between feedings at night, and he sleeps in his crib. 
  • He has become strong enough to get out of his miracle blanket swaddle, won't be long before we need to use the sleep sacks.
  • He just started to roll from his back to his side, won't be long before he rolls over completely!
  • When he is really tired, and we give him the passy and rock him, he will hum himself to sleep.
  • He still loves to nap in the swing.
  • He loves the floor gym, and is ok with the bouncy seat sometimes.
  • He will lay in his crib and watch the little aquarium, Carson would never do this!
  • His new favorite thing to do is stand up in our laps.
  • He coos and makes other loud noises at the TV, it is hilarious.
  • He is SO ticklish pretty much everywhere.
  • He has his first week of daycare this week and is doing well.
  • He has grown out of his 0-3 month clothes and now needs 3 months or 3-6 months. 
  • Still in size 2 diapers.
  • He weighs about 13 pounds.
  • His hair has gotten kind of long on top, and looks to be lightening up.
  • He loves his showers with Carson and Dada.
  • He loves diaper changes.
  • He loves when Carson looks at him, talks to him, and sings to him. 

  • He started batting his hands at toys a few weeks ago.
  • He has really been focusing on getting his hands and his toys in his mouth.
  • He likes to have his passy when he is sleepy and likes to be rocked to sleep.
  • He has started to protest the carseat....I hope this is just temporary b/c we have to travel a lot during the holidays.
  • He likes to look at books, he starts kicking his legs when he sees the pictures.

I absolutely love having Colin here and being a family of four! Happy 3 months sweet baby!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Hope everyone had a great Halloween! We started off by visiting a local church pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkin. Carson had so much fun running around and trying to lift the pumpkins, he also wanted to sit on as many as possible. 

Cory did such a good job carving!

Carson had so much fun trick-or-treating with his cousin Zoe, and they did such a great job! Halloween this year was such a blast since Carson "got it".....I can't wait for Christmas!

Here are some pics from our fun night!

A Princess and a Lion:

Me and my boys:

There are not enough words for the adorableness of this one :)

The babies did so good tagging along in their strollers:


The best house ever! This lady gave chips to the parents, toy cars to the boys and pink balloons to the girls.

The pretty Princess!

Lion and Daddy:

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

2 months

Colin turned 2 months old today! So bittersweet, I love watching him grow and do new things, but I hate that time passes too quickly and he will be a toddler before I know it.

What is Colin up to now:
  • Cooing and smiling a ton showing those adorable dimples
  • Looks just like his Daddy

  • He is very ticklish on his ribs, cheeks, back and neck
  • He is kicking and punching the air constantly, I call him an octopus
  • He has been traveling a ton and sleeps most of the time
  • He loves his swing, and has started to smile and coo at the hanging toys on the bouncy seat

  • He had his check-up today and got some shots, and he weighs a whopping 12 pounds, he is in the 75th percentile for weight, height (23 inches) and head measurements. His Dr. said he is very strong and solid, good to hear.
  • He eats around 4 oz every 3 hours. 
  • He is wearing 0-3 month clothing, and size 2 diapers.
  • He now sleeps really well being swaddled, he will sleep anywhere from 3-5 hours at a time in his crib, I love having the video monitor this time around.

Happy 2 months Colin!

Monday, October 17, 2011


We have been a busy family lately......

We went with Cory's family to the beach and got some great pictures!

Carson went to the fair and had a blast:

I had my High School Ten Year Reunion:

And my precious baby turned 2 months old, I'll do a separate post for that of course (his check-up is tomorrow):