Monday, February 14, 2011

Carson's Valentines' Day

I decided to celebrate V-day with Carson on Sunday since we had a lazy day and could really enjoy being together, week nights are just so rushed and we don't get much time with our little man. So...Sunday was Carson's day and Monday night is for Mama and Da-Da.

I kept Carson's gifts small, we are trying to be smarter with our money, so I behaved and did not go overboard. It was so hard, while I was in Target I saw a million things that he would have loved...but I kept reminding myself this is not his birthday or Christmas.

 Checking out what's in the bag...

I knew I wanted to get him a Valentine book since he loves books, and I saw an Elmo book and thought he would like it, he loves to say Elmo, so sweet.

I also got him some M&M's and a baseball lollipop...


Then we played outside for hours, it was a great day!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking at your blog today, Zoe tried to say Carson when she saw pictures of him....SO CUTE!!!