Monday, June 27, 2011

32 Weeks

Only 8 or so weeks to go!

I feel very prepared for Colin's arrival, all we need to do now is get the car seat installed, wash everything, register for the hospital and pack our hospital bag. My goal was to have all of this stuff done by 36 weeks, so I have a few more weeks to do these "finishing touches". I am not too worried about the dresser getting built in time, I only use a few drawers in Carson's dresser, so if needed they can share, no big deal, that would just mean more room for Carson to play in his room and more room for the many toys he will get for his Birthday coming up! Nursery pics to come soon.

  • I am starting to waddle - I was told today by a co-worker :) 
  • My tailbone and lower back are sore, and I am dealing with the usual pressure where Colin's head is.
  • I am SO exhausted, I go to bed pretty early, usually very soon after Carson. I toss and turn a lot.
  • I have been noticing some Braxton Hicks contractions, very weird feeling, I never had these with Carson. 
  • I don't really have any cravings these days...I really am just craving a personal chef and a maid to do the work for us :) I just look at the dishes in the sink, the laundry piling up, realizing a meal time is approaching and I could literally cry...I just don't have the energy to do any of it. 
  • I would give anything to have a week at the beach right now!
  • I was a loyal follower of, but I am now into a site called Check it out if you are pregnant. This site is much more informative than the others in my opinion and it gives you pros and cons of your decisions in labor when you read about the last few weeks of pregnancy. Love it! I am still amazed at all of the procedures hospitals do for their own convenience at the expense of the mother and baby wellness.
  • My next Dr. Apt is next week on July 6th. She said we would discuss what to do if I didn't go into labor...I wanted to say "Thanks for the vote of confidence lady!" Anyway this should be an interesting conversation. 
  • I have no idea what my weight gain is this week, I haven't thought to check it. 
  • Movement is consistent, even though this is the 2nd pregnancy, Cory is still amazed at the crazy shapes of my belly when he moves.


Suzy said...

32 weeks already - wow it's going so fast! You look great Momma!

Courtney said...

you do look great! and I feel you big time on the dishes/laundry/no energy thing sooooo happy to hear that someone else feels the same way :)!
Thanks for the link to baby gaga...going to check that out. And lol at the dr as if your body is going to keep him in there forever. Remember..."your body is not a lemon!!"--ina may