Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Carson Lately

What is this little guy up to? He is recovering from being sick again, I feel so bad for him...he catches everything it seems. He had a virus in his throat and a sinus infection. At least it wasn't his ears this time. We actually held off on getting tubes for multiple reasons. We are going to give it some more time and see how he does, and then re-visit the ENT and that idea if we feel the need.

Carson loves to dance, it doesn't matter what type of music - classical, mexican, lady ga-ga..whatever..he always busts a move. He's a dancing machine! He shook his head "no" at Michael Jackson and Katy Perry...funny. 

He loves his Glow Worm, and a book about animals. He brings it to us constantly. He loves for us to make animal sounds. He can make the dog sound "woof woof" sounds more like "boo boo" and the cow sound which sounds like "boooooo" :) 

Cory swears he can say passy, but I haven't really heard that one yet. His latest word is ball. I may be missing a few but his vocab now consists of: bite, hey, hi, mama, dada, daddy, doggie, ducky, and uh-oh. The jabbering is hilarious, like he has his own language. And when he looks at me and says something in jabber, he really believes it and his face is so serious.

He loves to try and drink the bath water from the cup..ick!

When we went to the Dr. last, he weighed 21 pounds. So he has gained one pound since he started walking, pretty good. He still loves to eat, thank goodness, its really going to worry me when he loses his appetite due to teething or busy toddlerhood, etc...The Dr. also said his gums were very swollen so he may get some more teeth soon. 

I got out a few fall decorations...I am so ready for fall to arrive, I want some pictures of Carson with the changing leaves. I am a little worried though b/c I don't think he is going to fit into the winter clothes I bought him, he is short so all the pants are going to be too long. I guess I could have them altered???

We play outside everyday after supper, he just guides me around the yard. I got a few cute pictures of him today, very rare since I can never get him to look at the camera anymore.

And...I got a rare family picture over Labor Day weekend!

Carson is 13 months old.


Anonymous said...

haha we're in the same boat with fall/winter clothes...Joshua's pants are going to be too long for him too...he's super chunky but not that tall...think i'm gonna have to hem too :) that picture of him smiling is soo adorable! thanks for the shoe advice i found a great pair at Stride Rite he loves them! hope yall are doing great!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I love the pictures!