Pregnancy Highlights:
- +21 pounds
- Took the glucose test on Wednesday, wtg to hear back. So glad that is over, its really tough getting up with a toddler at 6AM, running around the house for 2 hours trying to get him fed, ready for school, and get myself ready without eating a single bite or drinking a drop of anything until 9AM!
- Had my Rhogam shot on Wednesday as well since I have a negative blood type
- Colin's heart rate was in the 150's this time
- Nurse said I was measuring a little ahead this week
- Will be going to prenatal apts every 2 weeks now, I enjoy getting to hear the heart beat and all, but when you have a job, it gets old explaining Dr. apts all the time and lets face it, Dr. offices don't have very convenient hours for people who work full time.
- The movement is insane...this kid is very active, I can't really remember if Carson was this active. I also started to feel him having some hiccups.
- My lower back and hips have been a little sore, probably from sitting at my desk a lot.
- I am tossing and turning much more at night and finally started using the full body pillow.
- I am so happy this go round that I have not experienced the annoying carpel tunnel symptoms, I also have not had as many leg cramps yet as I did with Carson.
- Still take my zantac everyday so I can eat whatever I want! I have really been wanting some of my homemade lasagna, but it will take an act of God to get me to cook a meal that requires that much time these days! We go through chocolate milk like crazy around here, all 3 of us drink it everyday! I always want sweets after a meal. And as usual, I could eat Japanese every day.
- My energy level is completely shot by the evening time, it is very hard on me with Cory working late these days (his busy season). If we have a 3rd baby, I will try to plan where the end of my pregnancy will be in the winter where Cory is home earlier!
- My rings still fit, I haven't really noticed any swelling yet (I don't miss that part at all, cankles are the most unatractive thing in my book)
- As far as the nursery and Colin's arrival preparation goes, I can't really do too much right now. Whenever Cory gets Carson's new dresser built, I can starting washing baby clothes and putting them away. Lately I have just been buying a few items here and there for Colin. I did get the letters for his name, just need to paint them white and hang them. Mom bought me the breast pump, so that is a huge relief!
- I can't believe that in just a few weeks we will be in full prep mode...b/c by 36 weeks I will be useless!