Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 months old

Wow! What a big boy Carson has become :) He amazes us everyday and we love him so much. I am always telling Cory about smart things he does and Cory says "why are you so surprised he is smart" I am not really surprised, just excited and very proud.

Even still I hate leaving him everyday, it really hurts being away from him so much, and now that I see how much he has grown so fast, and that his "baby days" will be behind us very soon, its killing me.

He has learned so many things this past month:
  • He can go from sitting to standing on his own.
  • He has taken a few steps on his own.
  • He waves Bye-Bye.
  • He still loves his hair being combed; he knows what the comb and brush do..he places the brush on his head when he plays with sweet.
  • He plays peek-a-boo with his hands or other objects. It is so cute how he thinks a tiny block "hides" him. He knows exactly what to do when we say "where's Carson?"
  • He says Uh-oh and Da-Da when we say it. He won't say Mama, he just laughs at me when I tell him to say it.
  • He hates having his diaper/clothes changed.
  • He has started to throw toys, etc...out of his pack-n-play and crib. 
  • He has almost outgrown his 9 month clothing and fits better in the 12 month size.
  • He tries all types of table food.
  • He eats his star puffs like a champ! He is pretty good at feeding himself that and other finger foods.
  • It is strange to think that we have to wean him from formula and a bottle in just 2 months. 
  • When he takes his bottle, he is constantly grabbing my face, nose, lips, hair, earrings, etc...Its like he is making sure I am real. 
  • He will randomly sleep all night in his crib, but whenever he does wake up, we just plop him in our bed so we all can get some sleep. I love snuggling with him. 
  • He loves loves loves Dinosaur Train (PBS show), he smiles and "dances" when he hears the intro music.
  • He likes any toy these days and he constantly pushes his toys around the floor...even his passy...ick! He loves blocks (more like knocking blocks over, every time I stack them he HAS TO knock them down, he can't stand it)
  • He had his 1st pool experience and loved it, he likes to kick in the water and be swirled around to make waves.
  • He is getting better but still hasn't mastered the sippy cup (mainly my fault for being inconsistent with it), he just wants to chew on it. But I have sent a sippy cup to daycare for him to use there and maybe they can work some magic.
  • He thinks it is so funny when you put a toy or any object on top of his head.
  • He loves to "run away" (crawls really fast) from us when we come around a corner to chase him, he laughs and laughs as he crawls to get away, it is so funny!
  • As soon as I undress him for his bath, he bolts into the living room, like he has to go show someone that he is naked. Last night, after he bolted, he peed on the floor! It was hilarious.
  • He loves baths, just not being bathed. He doesn't want anything in the way of his playing and exploring.
  • He got a swing set this weekend, and loves to swing. I love going outside after dinner to swing him before bath time. 
  • He is into EVERYTHING! I can't take my eye off of him for a second!
  • He knows what "no" means and what "eh eh" means. He stops what he is doing immediately when I say either.
  • He has one little tooth, and he loves to stick his tongue out to feel it. 

This is just before he opens the cabinet, and you can see he is feeling of his tooth.

Riding the police car at Nana's, he liked to "boogie" on that thing, he was adorable.

Standing all on his own.

Sitting on the slide at Nana's

You can see his little tooth in this one :)

First time in his swing.


Anonymous said...

That was the best post ever! I am so excited for you, and its a reminder of all the great things I have to look forward to!

Unknown said...

He's getting so big! All his changes are very exciting!