Monday, September 26, 2011

1 month

My little baby turned one month old on September 18th, time has flown by and before we know it we  will be at the 2 month check up, so surreal.

  • He is doing awesome with the exception of some night time fussines, around roughly 11-2 ish, it is pretty tough to get him to sleep; I have gotten brave and have been trying him out in his crib in his room. 
  • He has started to be more alert during the day, but still needs to eat every 3 hours at night and every 2.5  - 3 hours during the day (he eats 3-4 oz). This is the most exhausting thing for me since I am still breastfeeding and supplementing with formula. Its just a lot of work, very often, and Carson gets frustrated with the round the clock feeding. I keep telling myself to be patient and every baby is different.
  • He can lift his head really well while being burped, I need to start some tummy time.
  • He has the sweetest little smile and dimples, it just makes my day. 

  • Carson loves to talk to him and hold him, kiss him etc....Carson only gets frustrated when I need to feed him, b/c I can't really do anything for Carson during feedings, and he continues to bring me toy after toy wanting to play....

  • Colin likes swinging and the bouncy seat still, but he won't stay in there too long unless I rock him to sleep first (many times he needs to be swaddled). 
  • He likes to sleep swaddled a little more now, but some nights he has a fit to get his arms loose so we just have to ride it out until he finally gets tired enough to sleep. 
  • Part of me thinks he might have some reflux issues b/c I can rarely lay him flat on his back for more that 5 minutes, I can't remember if that is typical newborn behavior or not. I just keep telling myself that he eats well, keeps his food down, and is generally very happy so he is fine. He has a few fussy feedings here and there, so we are trying some sensitive formula. I think he just has some fussy time at night which is normal but I am starting to see some improvements. 
  • He loves to be held and rocked, but that doesn't bother me, I just wish I had more time to devote to cuddling him.
  • He is doing better keeping the passy in his mouth, so glad for that!
  • He is in size 1 diapers and his newborn clothes are starting to get tight. In another week I will probably drag out some 0-3 month stuff. I think he is about 9+ pounds now.
  • I love rubbing his little head, feet and hands and of course he smells like heaven. 
  • Everyone said he has big hands for his age and I am starting to see that now.At his first check up, the nurse mentioned he was tall for his age  - I think he might be taking after the men on my side of the family (big and tall), but has Cory's face.


  • Carson is still being a great big brother as I mentioned above, and he has really loved being home with me. 
  • He loves to help feed Colin at bottle time, and he gives him his passy when he cries and says "OK Colin" Once in the car, Colin got hungry and was crying and Carson said "it ok Colin, we almost home" HOW SWEET!
  • My biggest surprise is that he hates daycare now, I had planned to take him once per week to give me a break and some alone time with Colin, but he gets hysterical when he realizes where we are going, and it breaks my heart so I will only take him when Colin or myself has a Dr. apt. It is going to be a tough transition when I return to work.
  • I love having him home though, minus being exhausted, this is such a special time. 
  • Carson is hilarious. He makes me laugh all day and I just wish I could remember all the silly things he does and says. 
  • He loves our daily walks around the neighborhood, and he collects all kinds of random crap to put in the stroller basket. 

  • He gets so excited when Daddy comes home (so do I!). He asks where Daddy is every 10 minutes each day!
  • He has started to try to talk me into everything. If he wants something that he knows is against the rules (candy in the morning, or passy when its not sleep time) he says "I just HOLD it Mommy" he already thinks I am stupid! He will tell me that he doesn't need to go night-night, or if he drops candy on the floor "it not dirty mommy", or if Colin starts to get noisy he knows I need to check on him and stop playing so he says "Colin not mad Mommy."
  • He does really well napping, thank goodness, and that's when I can either snuggle with Colin or get a few things done around the house, or a quick nap, just depends on my mood.


  • I have my 6 week check up this week and I think I had a stitch that did not dissolve for a while, so that's probably the reason I have had some discomfort this whole time.
  • I have about 15 pounds to lose to get to pre-preggo weight, but truthfully I would like to loose about 30!
  • I am starting to get use the crazy schedule around here. I just try to get out of the house once per day for my sanity even if its just a walk outside. We also go the Kroger, Target (or Tawwwget as Carson says), and Chick File.
  • I look forward to a hot bath or shower EVERY night after Carson goes to bed.
  • I am going to need a major makeover before I go to work, my hair is SO freaking long and my clothes are so old and gross. I really can't remember the last time I went clothes shopping for myself (w/ the exception of maternity stuff) and that is sad. I need and "mom's day out" big time!

1 comment:

crystal hollyhand said...

I can't believe he is a month old already!!! It was great talking to you yesterday. I love Colins hair in the first picture! Such cute boys!!!